Innovative Web Design and Application Development News

June 18th, 2010
June 18th, 2010

Versaverter 4 Alpha 5 Released

Small Update to enhance result number format and build with Flash Builder 4

The fifth alpha of Versaverter 4 (alpha 4 was not released) is now available for download and testing. The new version includes several bug fixes and just a few enhancements. This release was largely completed to implement the build in the new version of Flash Builder.

The main difference you will notice is an improved output numeric format. The application was rounding the output result too aggressively in the previous alpha. This new version is more intelligent about how it deals with the number is significant figures and should produce more reasonable output. The next release will include the ability to choose the format for numeric output from typical ´calculator-like´ formats like fixed, general, scientific, engineering etc.

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