Innovative Web Design and Application Development News

April 10th, 2004
April 10th, 2004

Making Grumpy Happy

With a name like Grumpy´s Place B&B we feared we might be in for a challenge! PawPrint is please to announce the successful launch of this revised web site - built to give an updated look and provide news and events modules while maintaining the existing logo and basic branding.

As it turns out, the hosts at Grumpy´s (as has been the case with every B&B we have dealt with) were not grumpy at all, and in the end Grumpy (aka Lawrie Belliveau) proclaimed, much to our joy at the inevitable headline "I´m happy"

While this may not be one of the larger web sites we have completed recently - it´s always a pleasure to see the XDe system used in the full spectrum of applications be they large or small.

Grumpy´s Place Bed and Breakfast

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