Innovative Web Design and Application Development News

April 15th, 2004
April 15th, 2004

Scottīs Knots Founder Scott Baker releases Scottīs Knots founder Scott Baker releases Scottīs Knots - an instructional DVD showing in clear concise terms how to tie a variety of basic and intermediate knots.

From the Jacket Cover:
Join Scott Baker as he clearly shows you how tie a wide variety of great knots to know and use. Knowing and being able to tie knots is a valuable personal skill and Scottīs inspirational presentation will have you tying your own knots in no time. Knot tying has been a part of our collective human culture worldwide and continues to flourish as both a skill and an art form. Scott Baker B.A.Sc. is an avid sailor with a passion for sailing and seamanship that has grown with him from childhood. Scott has taught seamanship aboard the sail training ships Robertson II & Pacific Swift out of Victoria BC. He is a member of the International Guild of Knot Tyers and a Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary crew member.

For More Information - and to view a sample (The Bowlinī) visit The Bosunīs Mate:

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