Innovative Web Design and Application Development News

March 19th, 2004
March 19th, 2004

Lord Nelson gets a Face Lift!

complete with full content.Manage capeability

PawPrint has just completed a major face lift for the Lord Nelson B&B web site (an elegant Bed and Breakfast in Victoria BC) implementing many of PawPrint´s XDe Modules and with over 80% of the web site placed under the control of the proprietors through the use of PawPrint´s content.Manage module.

The Lord Nelson B&B has been a PawPrint customer since 2002 and it was time to take advantage of some new technology. PawPrint´s content.Manage module that can open any part of a web site for form-base control by the web master was used extensively, in addition to News, Events, and XDe.core modules to create a new look with no need for a call to PawPrint when changes are necessary!

Have a look at their site and see if you can spot where the content.managed sections are (we bet you can´t!)

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