Innovative Web Design and Application Development News

January 29th, 2012
January 29th, 2012

PHP 5.4 nearing release

Help test some of the key changes in the PHP 5.4 release candidate

PHP 5.4 final release testing
PHP 5.4 final release testing
In a recent post on Google+ the opening is laced with humor "We are in the final push to PHP 5.4 and we need your help. Everyone who is using PHP can give us a hand here, regardless of your technical abilities. Facebook employees, take a break from calculating your stock option scenarios and give us an hour of your time...."

All kidding asside, many developers have been eagerly awaiting this new versinon after primary PHP developemt´s ´stalemate´ surrounding PHP 6 seemed to delay development for what felt like eons.

There is a lot to anticipate in this release for all PHP developers including:

  • Upload progress built-in (finally!)
  • Traits
  • Closures
  • A built-in mini HTTP server
  • Syntax and dereferencing changes for arrays
...and other depreciations and minor updates as well as a host of bug fixes.

If you want to help with their final RC testing check the post on Google+ here:
We are in the final push to PHP 5.4 and we need your help

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