Innovative Web Design and Application Development News

December 10th, 2011
December 10th, 2011

Massive XDe Update

Sweeping enhancements to the XDe for better content management

This could be the most comprehensive XDe update ever. A overview video linked below gives the highlights and there are also new tutorials in the XDe Tutorials area with more to come.

Here is a point form list of the updates to the system:

  • Complete re-build of user management area
  • Site-wide admin user search (users added to site search index)
  • Complete re-build and enhancement of bbWizard
  • Addition of Content Snippits
  • Addition of User Sources
  • In-content slide-shows for images and snippits
  • Overhaul of the FAQ module
  • Calendar events now multilingual
  • News now multilingual
  • user signup process email messages now multilingual
  • New Quick-User signup allows collection of users with as little as only their email
  • Enhanced Broadcast message entry and test form
  • Fixes to prevent license install problems
  • Fixed to prevent disk cache failures
  • cleanup and minor enhancements to many module forms
  • Improved error reporting
  • Enhanced metadata in many areas including support for RDFa and
  • Many other optimizations and back-end enhancements

Here is a brief video highlighting some of these updates:
Play Video
Play Video

At the risk of making this notice too long here are a few notes:

The user search may not be active when you first use the enhanced system. If you search for an obvious user name and donīt obtain any results. Use the "Build Search Index" tool from the manage.XDe menu to force it to rebuild (this shouldnīt be necessary and in the rare case it is, only needs to be done one time)

The bbWizard is still being enhanced and there is a great deal of new functionality planed for it. Due to itīs more advanced nature and the fact that itīs for admins only it requires a modern browser and will not work in IE 7 or Firefox 3

Quick user signups were put together very quickly based on a customer request there is a lot more to be done in that area including a new user import - stay tuned.

As is obvious this is a significant update (comprising over 30 modules and adding 3 new ones) we have tested extensively and you have all been running the new system for at least 3 weeks now (some longer) however should you find anything amiss please submit a support ticket.

Hope you enjoy all the enhancements!

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