Innovative Web Design and Application Development News

July 15th, 2011
July 15th, 2011

XDe CMS Updates

Enhancements to News, CMS, and addition of Google + 1 button

XDe CMS Update
XDe CMS Update
A series of enhancements to the XDe CMS will help web sites get listed better on the search engines as well as on Google Plus the new social network from Google. In addition the news module has been enhanced to provide a more streamlined form for adding articles.

To explain all these changes we have produced three videos that walk you through all the changes:

Changes to News

Overview of enhancements to the news module and the impact of these to SEO.
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Changes to the XDe

Adding social widgets and attribution to content pages
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General Setup Considerations

what you need to do to enable these new features.
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More Images

Authorship shown in the news module
Authorship shown in the news module
SEO friendly URLs
SEO friendly URLs
Updated news menu
Updated news menu

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