Innovative Web Design and Application Development News

January 28th, 2011
January 28th, 2011

Mobile Friendly HTML5 Video

New automatic video converter makes uploading modern video easy

The video upload dialog
The video upload dialog
By 2014 (or some say even earlier) more people may browse web sites on mobile devices then using desktop computers. As video becomes a key content element, it is essential that web sites can deliver video to all devices. Until now, the process to provide that level of compatibility has been very complicated.

The AVC (Automatic Video Converter) will change that. Now with a simple upload of a single video file, in almost any format, web administrators can easily have video on their site that plays back using HTML-5 on all modern browsers and mobile devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod, Android, Tablets etc...) and seamlessly falls back to using a flash player on older or incompatible browsers.

The overview video below (processed using the system) gives a demonstration of how it works.

Play Video
Play Video

PawPrint has done the research and built the conversion system to eliminate the need for web administrators to waste their time trying to understand all the complexities and nuances of web video (A topic that is ever changing and even many professional video editing firms have trouble with) The resulting output is created in multiple formats and sizes suitable for a bevy of devices and delivered using a simple system that keeps download sizes to a minimum and quality to a maximum.

For the more technically minded, The system produces H.264, Ogg, and webM format videos in 720p, 480p, 360p, and 270p (depending on the size of the source video) and is capable of converting from hundreds of source formats.

Released as an integral component of PawPrint´s XDe CMS the AVC system will free web administrators and unleash the full potential of their web sites to deliver their message through video.

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