Innovative Web Design and Application Development News

October 3rd, 2010
October 3rd, 2010

New Social Media Integration

Adding site wide social media integration to the XDe

Example of what the share bar looks like
Example of what the share bar looks like
Despite all the hype about social media (Facebook and Twitter especially) we have been cautious about jumping on the fad-bandwagon largely because many of the ways to include social media on a web site come with a lot of drawbacks like increased load times, potential distractions for users, coding errors from the third party etc... This latest update implements integration with several prominent social media communities and adds QR Codes without these problems.

To make use of these new features you must have the chirp module installed.

Integrated into the news module already is a new "Share Bar" that includes links that facilitate sharing any public and current news article on Facebook, Twitter, Stumbleupon, and/or Google Buzz. It also includes a pop-up QR Code for a link directly to the articles which makes it easy for people to scan the information right into their mobile phone.

The second part of this update adds the ability to create this same share bar anywhere that bbText is used through the new construct:
 [sharebar] [/sharebar]

To see how it works check out the Techno-blog as an example. Or simply look at the bottom of this news article.

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