Innovative Web Design and Application Development News

February 19th, 2014
February 19th, 2014

Power Mixer

Siftware Review: Better control over your windows audio

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Power Mixer Control Deck
I had been looking for some better controls for my system audio and finally found a great solution in Power Mixer from Actual Solution. The windows mixer replacement boasts a wide array of features for the audio enthusiast and hobbyist alike.
January 1st, 2014
January 1st, 2014

What's Coming for 2014

A look ahead

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By now, we're pretty sure everyone will be incredibly tired of all the 2013 retrospectives. So rest-assured this article is not going to hit you with yet another one! Rather a look forward to what is coming and some things you should consider right now to start 2014 off right.
December 31st, 2012
December 31st, 2012

Protect your online privacy and security

Make an easy to keep new years resolution and be safe

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Start the year right with a New Year's Resolution you can actually keep and will take most people less then an hour to complete. Follow these simple steps to dramatically improve your security and privacy online.
November 27th, 2012
November 27th, 2012

Quick User Tools and Image-bank Updates

Updates make editing users easier and enhance image placement options

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A pair of updates provide far-reaching usability enhancements across all modules of the XDe and also add many new options for images inserted into content using the image-bank. To explain these updates we have produced two screen cast videos that explore the changes and give several use-case examples.
October 10th, 2012
October 10th, 2012

Navigation Icons and Improved Audit Trail

XDe update brings logging and navigation enhanacements

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New XDe Navigation Icon Selection
Headlining the latest XDe updates are new navigation icons and a series of enhancements to the audit trail. The latest roll-out, as usual, also includes various bug fixes and a slew of optimizations that will improve site speed and accessibility.
September 25th, 2012
September 25th, 2012

A Google Maps App won't help iOS6

So why is nobody asking about a Google Maps Library

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Sechelt BC looks like a targeting computer in Apple Maps
Should we be surprised that Google isn't planning to release an iOS native Maps app soon? Perhaps the real question should be: would it even matter if they did? The real problem with the horrifically bad maps in iOS6 really has nothing to do with the dedicated maps app.

So what questions should we be asking?

Tags: app ios maps apple ...
August 7th, 2012
August 7th, 2012

CMS User Interface and Mobile Viewer Updates

Enhancements to the XDe CMS help control content for mobile devices

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Updates have been released to the XDe CMS that include the ability to target content sections and site navigation to desktop and/or mobile devices. The content management form has also been updated to an improved user interface. Check out the walkthrough video for details.
July 13th, 2012
July 13th, 2012

Are you secure online?

In the wake of recent prominant site hacks - now is the time to update your passwords

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Are you secure online? Protect yourself by taking a little time and updating your passwords around and about your digital world: Then keep them updated: New year = new passwords - it is well worth the time. Here are some tips for creating and managing secure, easy to remember passwords.
July 5th, 2012

Synching iPhone, iPad, Android, Mac, and Thunderbird

Finally a reliable contacts and calendar sync for the most common desktop and mobile devices

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I have a Mac, PC, Android, iPhone and iPad; plus I use Thunderbird for mail on the PC and want all these things to seamlessly sync up their calendar and contacts. Really this is very rudamentry data and should be easy but for some reason it isn´t. There is a solution though but it involves some mighty strange but simple tricks.
May 10th, 2012
May 10th, 2012

PHP 5.4 Gotchas for Developers

A few fixes/enhancements might cause you some grief

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After running PHP 5.4 on my development environment for a while I have hit several things that could easily cause enough grief that they need calling attention to. These are new features or changes that will break some existing edge cases in somewhat hidden or obscure ways and can take a long time to find if you don´t know what you´re looking for.
April 30th, 2012
April 30th, 2012

Mousewheel Jog/Shuttle in Steinberg Nuendo 4

Overcome a gap in the Nuendo UI on PC using this Key assignment/AutoHotKey script

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For anyone using the Steinberg Nuendo family of audio post software this is a little tutorial for how to overcome the rather gaping hole of no way to Jog/Shuttle on the timeline using the mousewheel. It uses a combination of key assignments in Nuendo and AutoHotKey on PC to add this key feature of standard editing workflows.
April 23rd, 2012
April 23rd, 2012

Bitrates and Codecs and Bandwidth Oh My!

Starting a primer into video encoding

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For many, even many video professionals, encoding and modern video compression is basically just a black box full of voodo computer magic. Most just pick a preset and hope for the best and sadly so many of the presets are really not all that great. I get asked constantly for advice in this area and over the years have learned a lot. This needs to be a more complete article, and eventually I will create one - but for now I´m going to address a few or the more salient points.
March 24th, 2012
March 24th, 2012

Trackmail Update Gives Detailed Stats

Gain insight into your email messaging with XDe Trackmail

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XDE CMS now bosts impressive new tracking features as part of the enhanced ´trackmail´ module. Existing users will gain new graphs and category breakdown for past messaging. All new messages sent get aditional stats including first view and more...
March 5th, 2012
March 5th, 2012

XDe Enhancements

New code layout speeds sites and reduces memory

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Part in parcel with code updates to take further advantage of new features and changes in PHP 5.4 (released last week) we are implementing changes to the XDe CMS code that will increase the speed of all sites and reduce server memory load.
February 17th, 2012
February 17th, 2012

New Web Site

Launched Today

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The new home page
PawPrint is pleased to announce the launch of a new XDe CMS powered web site for the Association of Justice Council in Canada features a fully bi-lingual member-focused site that includes loads of enhancements added by request to the core XDe

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