Innovative Web Design and Application Development Glossary of Terms

This dictionary of web design, photography, computer and graphic design terms has been compiled from many sources and is constantly being augmented and undergoing revisions to try and capture as much of the lingo and technical vocabulary as possible.  

Random terms, by category

Data and Telecommunications, terms, concepts and abbreviations. (19 terms)
Printed Circuit Board
It usually consists of a metallic conductor pattern on an organic insulating substrate, more complex circuits have several layers stacked togeather. After assembly where components are added, it is known as a printed wiring assembly (PWA).  
Computer Hardware parts, abbreviations and concepts. (6 terms)
Printed Circuit Board
It usually consists of a metallic conductor pattern on an organic insulating substrate, more complex circuits have several layers stacked togeather. After assembly where components are added, it is known as a printed wiring assembly (PWA).  
Graphic Design & prepress terms from desktop publishing to offset printing. (14 terms)
A measure of image resolution - typical screen resolution is 72 dip whereas printing presse print at 300dpi.

When measuring the resolution of an image you need to know both the physical size and the resolution (in DPI) to acertain the actual amount of data. For example:

An image that is 10 inches wide...

at 72dpi would be 720 pixels wide
at 300dpi would be 3000 pixels wide (roughly 3.5 times the resolution)

Linux/Unix Terms and Commands. (9 terms)
An address referring to a document on the Internet. This can be used to reference a web page via HTTP or a file to be accessed via FTP, for example. The reason for a URL (rather then just the address) is to define completely what a computer must do, and where it must go, to access a document (sometimes even on it´s local hard drive in the case of ´file:´)

The syntax of a URL consists of four elements:

Protocol://address/path/document - here are a few examples:
Photography terms and concepts, including digital and traditional photographic techniques. (11 terms)
A compressed graphic format suited for flat color images (illustrations) and drawings. It compresses images by referencing areas of the same colour thus it is less suitable then JPEG for photographic images (where there are colour gradients)

Originally created by CompuServ it was the subject of proposed law suits and patent discussions which have largely been dropped.

Web design termonology, concepts, and abbreviations. (46 terms)
A text file stored in the top level directory of a web site which is used to tell the Robots (spiders) what parts of a web site should, and should not be indexed.
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