Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #953

Portrait for quietstormx

by: quietstormx
January 15th, 2011
WorldTime 6 Sync with Sucess or Attempt
A while back I started having issues with the auto sync and stalling. I noticed that on startup it would just stall and on sync check it would stall also. But I noticed that a componet of the software was stalling. I fould that unselecting both auto-sync´s would let the program try to sync on startup(?) But on some startups I get the sync sucess green check. All the tools work now also.
I´ve made a MovieMovie

to show how

Uploaded Image

Portrait for deando_au

by: deando_au
January 17th, 2011
WorldTime 6 Sync with Sucess or Attempt
Ok, it works in FLV Player. A simple solution, thanks....
Portrait for grugeon

by: grugeon
January 17th, 2011
WorldTime 6 Sync with Sucess or Attempt
It opens OK with IrfanView (Free image viewer - the best!)
David Grugeon
Portrait for deando_au

by: deando_au
January 17th, 2011
WorldTime 6 Sync with Sucess or Attempt
I´ll try the FLV player you mentioned. Downloading it now. I´ll get back to you.
Portrait for quietstormx

by: quietstormx
January 17th, 2011
WorldTime 6 Sync with Sucess or Attempt
Click on the Movie link, it´s blue. Use Adobe Media Player or FLV Player,It´s a small FLV Player I use to play FLV files than Adobe´s Media Player for simple playing.
Or here is the [url=[youtube]nG0nzwEHY_o]Youtube[/url] link[/youtube]

Portrait for deando_au

by: deando_au
January 17th, 2011
WorldTime 6 Sync with Sucess or Attempt
LOL I did. I downloaded the file to my system but it wont resolve. Wait, I´ll try just opening it instead... Nope, same result :(
Portrait for deando_au

by: deando_au
January 17th, 2011
WorldTime 6 Sync with Sucess or Attempt
I can´t access your video. I´m using Adobe flash player 10. All I get is a blank flash player window, no data.

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