Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #940

jimmym1946 has no photo

by: jimmym1946
September 29th, 2010
Had it with WT
I´ve been using WT ( & for years, and just loved it. But, since a clean install of XP Pro SP3, both vers have simply stopped responding, especially when I try to sync it. There are even occasions when it simply disappears.

What can I do to get it working correctly, please, or am I simply to conclude that what was a terrific app no longer functions under XP?
In sorrow, not anger

Portrait for quietstormx

by: quietstormx
January 8th, 2011
Had it with WT
I hope everyting works out and WorldTime will work and try to sync. Like Mine now.
jimmym1946 has no photo

by: jimmym1946
January 8th, 2011
Had it with WT
Thanx to both for responses. Have set the .exe to run in W2k Compatibility Mode, AND turned off Auto-Sync. Hopefully, these will work, as it was "Not Responding" just about once daily, necessitating constant reboots, a complete PITA. Will report progress.
Portrait for quietstormx

by: quietstormx
December 29th, 2010
Had it with WT
Whatever works for you. It´s just that a while ago WT6 stoped syncing on startup and just hung. I noticed that WT6 would sync if the automatic sync settings were deselected. Then I would not have any issues on startup or function and tools. WT needs to be updated. I love the free program to keep times around the world when talking to friends around the world. And the alarm function I love also. [url=

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ok1 has no photo

by: ok1
December 27th, 2010
Had it with WT
I too was having frequent freeze/hangs with the this. The change that was the most successful for me was to set the compatibility to Windows 2000 (Properties, Compatibility tab and set to Windows 2000).
Portrait for quietstormx

by: quietstormx
December 23rd, 2010
Had it with WT
Just unselect automatic sync´s then restart and it will try to sync on restart. If it dosen´t you can still use the program then. And it works fine then. Sometimes out of the blue, it will sync...

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