Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #835

tigertrader has no photo

by: tigertrader
May 11th, 2008
Calculates and displays the Julian Date, Sun Rise, Sun Set, Moon phase, Hours of Daylight
Your web site states "Calculates and displays the Julian Date, Sun Rise, Sun Set, Moon phase, Hours of Daylight" but I canīt find these features in WT6 . There is no reference to the features in the pdf file. Are these still in the pipeline or is there some secret to getting this feature enabled. I have rune previous versions of WT for years and look forward to you resolving the Daylight savings dilema. If you programmed in Java it would sorth this out for you automatically! Just a thought. I also have a problem getting the program to instal the latest update. When i check for updates it tells me version 2002.4.7 is available. It then proceeds to download the file, but next time I check for an upgrade it shows exactly the same update available i.e. it has not installed it. Thanks anyway for a very useful program. Hope you get the bugs ironed out soon.

tigertrader has no photo

by: tigertrader
June 9th, 2008
Calculates and displays the Julian Date, Sun Rise, Sun Set, Moon phase, Hours of Daylight
Thanks Paul I have now found the astronomical data
paulg has no photo

by: paulg
May 27th, 2008
Calculates and displays the Julian Date, Sun Rise, Sun Set, Moon phase, Hours of Daylight
The features you want are associated with a specific clock.
1. Right click on the clock title bar you want to display the data for.
2. Select This Clock.
3. Select Astronomical Data.
A window should pop up with all the data you want.
I would note that the data depends on the Latitude and
Longitude being correct for the clock selected.

If you need to use Wtlocman.exe to create a custom location I have found
that I have to enter the location data and save it twice. The problem is that the Latitude and Longitude are wrong the first time. If you now go in and correct them and do an update you should find that they are now correct. For
some reason you will now have your new location listed twice but this does
not seem affect how the program works.

As I recall when selecting the DST rule if you leave off the leading zeros
the program hiccups.

As you might of guessed the update feature does not work.

Hope this helps.

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