Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #823

Portrait for olderaussieguy

by: olderaussieguy
February 13th, 2008
How many happy users are here?
There does not appear to be many users discussing this program in these forums?

Where are the Happy Users?

Is it a case of Heal Thyself?   Help Thyself?

I have a problem convincing myself that this World Time program is worth the effort, as I cannot find a way to make the program tell the correct time in my city and other cities in Australia, all of which are 1 hour less than they should be.

Are there any Happy Users out there who can point me in the right direction?

80 year old Ken Langdon
Noosaville, Queensland, Australia
Thursday 14 February, 2007, 2.31PM


Portrait for timmiethegeek

by: timmiethegeek
March 8th, 2008
How many happy users are here?
Hi all. I´m a happy user who is glad to have found this application.

I stay involved in video chats with friends all over the world.  I´m in the States and converse with people in Australia, Egypt, Israel, Great Britain, etc., and the World Time Clock is a big help keeping me informed of what time everyone is on.  For the folks in Australia I display the date along with the time as it is usually "tomorrow" for them when we have our marathon video chats.

We use a free product called ooVoo that has the nice feature of allowing up to 6 people to video chat simultaneously and manages system resources very efficiently so we don´t see unacceptable degradation.

Everyone of us uses the World Time Clock to know when to call each other.  It is a nice addition to our desktop.
Portrait for hansfeen

by: hansfeen
February 28th, 2008
How many happy users are here?
Hi Ken,
I´m a happy user, even though I have the same problem you´ve encountered. I´m in Europe, GMT+1, and the time on my world clock is displayed correctly. However, I would also like to keep track of time in Adelaide, Australia, and the time there is displayed one hour less that what it actually is. I tried the tips, but that´s not the problem. I believe that the problem lies in the rule that calculates the time. Adelaide is GMT+9.5. Which is excactly what the World Time displays. I think it´s due to Daylight Saving Time that the World Time is incorrect.
I also hope something can be done about it.
Portrait for grugeon

by: grugeon
February 14th, 2008
How many happy users are here?
Hi Ken

It seems to me your computer isprobably set to Melbourne time zione.

To correct it, double click the time in the Systray (Bottom right corner) and then click the TimeZone tab.  make sure it is set to GMT+10(Brisbane), not to GMT+10 (Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney)

Alternatively the wrong WT clock could be set as local.  Click the clock that is meant to be your local clock (Brisbane) and make sure that Clock Type shows "Local" and then make sure none of the others show "Local" the others should show "Location".

David Grugeon
Portrait for bspeight

by: bspeight
February 13th, 2008
How many happy users are here?
Hello Ken...

I am in Brisbane. If I had your email address, I´d write to you off list.

Bernard Speight

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