Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #78

yop83 has no photo

by: yop83
March 24th, 2004
Atomic Mass unit

Iīve just discovered VersaVerter: great software!

Just saw that you didnīt have the atomic mass unit (or at least itīs not in the "mass" class).
Here it is:
aMu = 1.66053873E-24 G

I think itīs a really important value to add :)

Portrait for sbaker

by: sbaker
March 29th, 2004
Re: Atomic Mass unit
Good point - I probably missed it because most texts referr to it more as a constant then a unit - but youīre right - Iīll add that for the next unit data release.
Fair Winds, and watch for squalls from leeward.

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