Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #807

joetabla has no photo

by: joetabla
December 8th, 2007
stacking clocks
oh, i just figured out how to stack clocks vertically by changing the window size.

at the moment i´ve got three clock in a line, and have hidden three others on the next row (´contrain windows´ set to none).  nice option there, i can recover hidden clocks by a quick double click (just stumbled on the double-click sidebar trick) and resizing the window.

i´m using another program to set partial translucent shading.  i´d like to see something of that nature on mouse hover-over built in.

also be nice to disable the single click opening for the clock manger and world map, just make it optional (since you can use the context menu anyway).

here´s an example of digital clocks all in line; last three are set with a different, smaller font...

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