Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #73

nike has no photo

by: nike
March 14th, 2004
I tried adding a new tracking item in TRAqDATE for the Smithsonian Date, which is November 17, 1858, 12:00:00 AM UTC, but for some reason it gets changed to 11/18/1858- 23:59:59, which is almost two days off.  This happens both in 5.5 and 941.  Entering 12:00:01 AM resulted in 11/18/1858- 23:59:58!  Entering November 16, 1858, 11:59:59 PM finally resulted in 11/17/1858- 00:00:00.  This did not happen for more recent dates I have set.

BTW, I would suggest using the ISO 8601 international date format for this feature, or else make it configurable, since 01/02/2004 means different dates in different countries.

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