Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #649

stevetwilson has no photo

by: stevetwilson
November 29th, 2006
Run... - any fixes out there?
I read in an earlier posting that Run... doesnīt work anymore because of WorldTime.  I tried it on my laptop running XP SP2, and itīs true - it doesnīt work!  Has anyone found a fix for this problem? My Help and Support link doesnīt seem to work either, but I donīt know if this is related or not.  Itīs worrying though!

Portrait for bspeight

by: bspeight
April 19th, 2007
Run... - any fixes out there?
It is real, and has been a problem for years, but you can overcome it by not using titlebar clocks.

Bernard Speight
Portrait for raving

by: raving
April 17th, 2007
Run... - any fixes out there?
[#]Oh... so thats what happenedid. Run, Serch, n Help dont werk for me, or system restore.  Run, I use frum the task manager, Serch I use from a file folder, Wheres another place for help?
Indecision, is the key to flexibility
Portrait for steffo

by: steffo
November 29th, 2006
Run... - any fixes out there?
I had WT5 long time ago, then d/l WT6: no problem with RUN from Start menu.
Try the update but, as I mentioned in my previous post, shut down the program before you turn off your computer, otherwise some of your setting will not be retained.
Good luck
stevetwilson has no photo

by: stevetwilson
November 29th, 2006
Run... - any fixes out there?
Are we talking about the same thing here?  I mean Run... from the start menu.  I havenīt downloaded WT6 yet - still using  Whatīs the difference?  WT5 works fine otherwise.
Thanks for the reply.
Portrait for steffo

by: steffo
November 29th, 2006
Run... - any fixes out there?
Hi there.
RUN is working just fine with me: XP home, IE7, Norton, Defender.
It loads at startup smoothly, I have 11 different cities set up, never a problem.
In the past, the program couldnīt remember some settings at startup, minor things like colors, font settings, spaces: my fix is to shut down the program (right click bottom right corner icon, exit) before turning off my laptop.


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