Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #403

bernie has no photo

by: bernie
March 30th, 2005
Schedule for a New Release
Do you have plans for a new release of the Worldtime product?  It looks like it has been a little over a year since the last release.  I was getting ready to recommend this to a friend who might find some of the "Quirks" a bit confusing.  

Let us know.  The product is great (I think I mentioned that in a early message) and some slight updates would have a great impact.

Thanks, and hope to hear from you.


Would a update to World Time Be Appreciated?
Just wanted to see if other are interested in having a new release. (And the screen asked me to fill in a poll!) Thanks
Yes - It would be nice to get some of the little things fixed
89% (17)
No- Just leave it alone and live with it.
11% (2)
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bernie has no photo

by: bernie
April 14th, 2006
Schedule for a New Release
We have not seen an update for this.  There seems to be a pool of issues (the Daylight Savings Time problems) that might be well served with an update.  

Let us know the plans.

Thanks again for a great product.

paulg has no photo

by: paulg
March 30th, 2005
Schedule for a New Release
I am running on a fully updated Win2K system.

I am not sure that the fact that Alarm Manager does not track properly across daylight saving time  change boundries is a little problem but it is not huge either. This is especially a problem if the alarm is repeating across the time shift. There is also the problem that when a custom alarm sound is selected the messsage is changed to the sound file name when the alarm is triggered.

Also the fact that Location Manager does not seem to work correctly when adding new locations. The Latitude and Longitude are saved as some random location not the ones entered in the form. This causes the Astronomical data to be wrong. I have been able to add a custom location by adding the new location and then updating the added location which causes the location to be listed twice in the Clock and Location Manager windows with the correct geographic location but when I click on the Astronomical Data menu
for the custom location I get an Invalid floating point operation and the Lat and Long are shown as 00,00 and when I as to show the map I get a location of 180,180 with the floating point error message again.

It would be nice if you could do the math in the Synclog to display the time difference in days, hours, minutes and seconds or at the very minimum delete the exclamaiton point (bang) form the last column so that importing it into a spreadsheet would be easy.

What ever the outcome thanks for all the hard work. It is still a great program.

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