Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #513

spesonic has no photo

by: spesonic
January 12th, 2006
DST New Zealand
DST rule for NZ is not there, how do I fix this?

bernie has no photo

by: bernie
April 14th, 2006
DST New Zealand
Could this issue be related to the issues we currently have with Paris time, the issue related to time in Germany, and the issue noting that Daylight Savings Time does not seem to work?

Our rules all seem correct but a) the time calculator did not produce the correct time on a future date that had one zone that should have been in Daylight Savings at the time. b) our Paris clock has been off one hour and bascially seems to be ignoring the rule in there.

Any updates or fixes for this that work?  Why would something that has worked all along just go out like this?

Thanks in advance for the help.

Portrait for grugeon

by: grugeon
January 30th, 2006
DST New Zealand
It is difficult to get it to stick.  See my posting at for details
David Grugeon
neilawalker has no photo

by: neilawalker
January 30th, 2006
DST New Zealand
I found this issue too.  The rule for New Zealand DST is there in the Locations data, but for some reason it is not set for Auckland.  Iīm guessing thatīs the location you were interested in.  The DST rule for locations Ashburton, Gisborne, and Timaru are set ok.  The simple workaround therefore is to use one of the other locations, and then you get the right DST rule.

For a longer term solution you can go into Location Manager, select New Zealand/Auckland, then on the RHS at the bottom you will see the DST rule.  "134: New Zealand" is one of the options in the drop down list.  Select this and click Update on the toolbar.  Now you have selected the correct rule.  The remaining bit I havenīt worked out yet is how to get WT to pick up this change.  If I find out, Iīll let you know.  Until then, Iīm using Gisborne.

Neil Walker

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