Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #509

gerry has no photo

by: gerry
December 30th, 2005
If you need help...
When posting, please provide insight as to which version of WT you are using. I have used every version since the stoneage (I think I still have most copies of versions 4.x, 5.x, and 6.x). Unfortunately, I only use 5.5 as 6.x is way too quirky.

After reading a few of the postings, it becomes difficult for people to respond as different versions have different processes. For example, WT 5.x does not use additional utilities to configure entries such as time zones, locations, etc. whereas WT 6.x requires the user to manipulate several applications to achieve the same result.  

Help is out there, albeit very slow at times. So please help the helpers!

grammiepam has no photo

by: grammiepam
January 6th, 2006
If you need help...
Gerry,  I just want to say thank you for all your advice.  I, too, have been using World Time for years, but for the last year or so, I have not been able to set my preferences as before.  Now I have gone back to version 5.5 and everything is again hunky-dory.  Thanks so much because I have loved this program and used it almost every day.

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