Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #477

bernie has no photo

by: bernie
August 30th, 2005
News on Updates?
Hey, Scott, how are things going over there.  I was wondering if you are going to do a little update soon?  There were a few things not working quite right that were a bother and we were wondering if you have an idea for an update to the World Time program?  

If you are doing all this work yourself you might want to consider setting this up as an open source project and see if you could get others to help with it.  Just a thought.

Anyhow hopes things are going well for you hope to hear back.


PS:  Down here we have some sort of change to daylight savings time (I hate this stuff) and I was hoping the change for that might be something coming out.

Anyhow, talk to you later,


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