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Thread #441

Portrait for ujpesti

by: ujpesti
June 20th, 2005
Currency will not update
My Versaverter stopped updating currency on the 11th. of June. When I try to update I just get the good old 11th. of June. Anyone else having this problem? Any solutions?
Thanks. Otto

 has no photo

November 10th, 2005
Currency will not update
Having just downloaded the most recent sw update Iīm sorry to find that currency still does not update.  Aug 4th is still the date!
jocks has no photo

by: jocks
October 1st, 2005
Currency will not update
I am also having this problem. Iīm in Australia. Back in June-July, sometimes I could get a proper update by requesting repeatedly. But now it just shows 4 August as the date and I donīt think the currency information is up to date.
marcelo has no photo

by: marcelo
October 1st, 2005
Currency will not update
I have been experiencing problems when trying to update currency values too, for the last couple of months. I thought it was some bug in my computer but now I realize it is not. Has someone found out what is going on ? On my screen it appears an error message (stack error in an unknown module ...)Last time I succeded updating was on August 4th ...
Portrait for ujpesti

by: ujpesti
September 22nd, 2005
Currency will not update
I know youīre busy, but if you could just take a quick look to see why we canīt get currency update I (and all the other people who use it) would really appreciate it. I canīt get it anywhere else and I miss it a great deal.
Thanks very much.
Portrait for ujpesti

by: ujpesti
August 10th, 2005
Currency will not update
Sorry, I still canīt make it work.
Portrait for sbaker

by: sbaker
August 9th, 2005
Currency will not update
Sorry -= that was my fault - I moved something around and mussed it up again...

should be working again now.
Fair Winds, and watch for squalls from leeward.
Portrait for ujpesti

by: ujpesti
August 9th, 2005
Currency will not update
Unfortunatelly I was able to update only one time, and have not had any luck since. My last update is as of August 4th. I do not get any error messages but when I try to update I just get the same old August 4th. I even deleted the program and tried to download a fresh version but I am unable to update.
Portrait for ujpesti

by: ujpesti
August 5th, 2005
Currency will not update
I got it working today. Great! Thanks very much. :-)
Portrait for sbaker

by: sbaker
August 4th, 2005
Currency will not update
What is happening whan you try - ie: what is the error message?
Fair Winds, and watch for squalls from leeward.
Portrait for ujpesti

by: ujpesti
August 4th, 2005
Currency will not update
I tried to update, but I was not succesful still. Is there anything I need to do before I can update? Change in setup etc.
Thanks very much
Portrait for sbaker

by: sbaker
August 4th, 2005
Currency updates fixed
The currency updates should be back on-line now.

Sorry about that.
Fair Winds, and watch for squalls from leeward.
ajc has no photo

by: ajc
June 28th, 2005
Currency will not update
I have the same problem for the upgrade of currencies.  
I write them from Argentina.  

My language is Spanish.
Portrait for sbaker

by: sbaker
June 20th, 2005
Currency will not update
I think there is a problem with the parsing routing from the Bank of Canada Data - they may have changed the format - Iīm looking into it - but am incredably busy at the moment - Iīll keep you all posted.

Fair Winds, and watch for squalls from leeward.

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