![]() by: steffo February 24th, 2005 |
Syncro keeps failing
I never had troubles with the WT6.0.0.941īs syncro.
Since yesterday morning, it keeps failing: any ideas why? What can I try to do to troubleshoot it? Thanks for your help. --
Steffo |
![]() by: steffo February 28th, 2005 |
Syncro keeps failing
Thereīs no need to turn off the firewall: itīs unsafe for your PC and the time syncro can work anyway.
I guess some of the servers go through maintenance once in a while and they are offline for a few days. As itīs suggested in another post, find the one that works and stick with it till it goes offline, then search again. It probably happens once every 2 or 3 months, so itīs not such a big deal. --
Steffo |
![]() by: paradise February 27th, 2005 |
Syncro keeps failing
I feel like Iīm in a Twilight Zone episode.
Syncro has been failing for me with the exact same results mentioned above that the japanese server was the first one to succeed. This has been going on for a few days. Now, after looking at this site and seeing the post to remove the firewall I thought I would give that a try, even though my firewall has never been a problem before. So, I did a manual sync just to give myself a baseline before disabling the firewall. The sync worked without disabling the firewall! I have changed nothing at all but it worked. Just as another test I exited from world time and restarted it and it worked again first time on my default initial time server (which happens to be time.nist.gov). So, I guess now if I ever have problems with World Time I will just come visit the web site and the forum to make the problem magically disappear. :) |
![]() by: papymg February 27th, 2005 |
Syncro keeps failing
Hello ! , did you try to disable your Firewall ??
Chek it ! It worked fine for me !... |
![]() by: steffo February 26th, 2005 |
Syncro keeps failing
Thanks, it worked for me too.
I guess my regular NTP is out of service. Cheers, --
Steffo |
![]() by: ximinez February 26th, 2005 |
Syncro keeps failing: possible fix?
Iīve been dealing with the same problem. Iīm running v5.5.2.748 (I donīt know if the following steps still apply to v6) and solved this issue by selecting the "Auto-Sync" option of "Set Time at Startup", then the first NTP server in the list, then "Cycle Time Servers" and "Log Sync Events". I closed and restarted the program so that it would cycle through each failed sync until I saw the "Success" check mark on the system tray icon. I then opened the sync log by clicking "View log" and searched through the list until I saw which NTP server successfully syncīd with World Time. Lastly, I disabled the "Cycle Time Servers" and selected the successful NTP server from the list (clock.nc.fukuoka-u.ac.jp) and used this one from now on. I hope this helps you out in the short-term! |
![]() by: steffo February 26th, 2005 |
Syncro keeps failing
The problem is still there. What are the correct settings for the syncro: simple time or NTP? Any other advices? Thank you.
Steffo |
![]() by: carlymax February 25th, 2005 |
Syncro keeps failing
As of yesterday my Sync is in a constant loop. In the past I could click on Sync Time Now! and it would Sync.
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