Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #346

bernie has no photo

by: bernie
December 13th, 2004
Really Cool Programs
I am not sure if this is correct place to post comments about the "World Time" program.  If this is not the right place please let me know and I will send this off to the correct location.

If you could please pass along my sincere thanks to the team who put together this program.  We have a number of friends, family, and business associates across the global. Until we found this program, making phone calls was always a game of "who knows the right time over there?".  In fact, for a while we used the AT&T long distance call to get the correct know the computer voice "The time in the country you are calling is.."  Of course that comes during call setup so sometimes we ending up giving our friends one ring in the middle of the nite.

Anyhow, this program has been great.

So please convey our sincere appreication to the author(s) and design(s) of this software.  It looks like a lot of work  went into this and the map and other features are just incredible.

We know how hard it is to make products and you guys have done a great job. We sent in a donation for the software to help with the upkeep.

Great job...looking forward to the next release.


Portrait for baldy_aussie

by: baldy_aussie
December 15th, 2004
Really Cool Programs
See copy of post (Polishing Grit Sizes) & reply in Versaverter Forum.

bchidlow has no photo

by: bchidlow
December 15th, 2004
Conversions for grit and mesh sizes used inthe polishing industry
does anyone have the conversions for the various grit sizes and mesh sizes used in polishing

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