Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #305

Portrait for steffo

by: steffo
November 4th, 2004
Check for Update
When I check for a new update, I´m told that data 2002.4.7 is available. After activating as requested the Time Zone Manager screen, I select to download it but that stops at about 10000 bytes and then closes. Is there anything I can do to get that update?

P.S.: I´m also wondering if anyone else has the same trouble.


Portrait for steffo

by: steffo
January 28th, 2005
Check for Update
Hello again!
I´d like to know when the update will be available.
It has been quite a few months we all had the troubles described in the other posts.
Thanks for letting us know.
Portrait for sbaker

by: sbaker
November 13th, 2004
perhaps a bit off topic ;)


the idea behind the signature came from a book called "Cradle of the Deep" or "Child of the Deep" (second ed.) which is very difficult to find but worth a read (light/cute)

Anyway Squalls should come from windward in most cases - true... which is why to avoid unsuspected problems "coming out of nowhere" one should occasionally look for them from leeward as well ;)
Fair Winds, and watch for squalls from leeward.
Portrait for steffo

by: steffo
November 12th, 2004
Re: Check for Update
Thanks for the reply.
BTW, the squalls (or squawls, as you spell it) always come from windwards..... unless you meant something else.....
Bye for now!
Portrait for sbaker

by: sbaker
November 11th, 2004
Re: Check for Update

The reason the Update does not work is that my plan is to create an online database for location data - it would then be able to create xml data for download on demand and eliminate much of the tedius re-packaging of data that was happening before.

It would also allow people to download sub-sets of data rather then the  entire world (as the dataset was getting quite large)
Fair Winds, and watch for squalls from leeward.
Portrait for steffo

by: steffo
November 11th, 2004
Re: Check for Update
Hi Derek.
Yes, you are right, that also happens to me, I just didn´t think it was worth to mention: the bottom line is the update link is broken and not working properly.
My personal guess: WT6 is still a beta version and some features don´t work yet.
I just wish the author could reply and say so.
Thank you.
eph61820 has no photo

by: eph61820
November 11th, 2004
Re: Check for Update
Yes the same thing is happening to me as of 11 Nov 04.  The only thing I would add about what you stated is that the software asks if I would like to read the "read me" file in which a window opens with html and then I hit okay and receive the same response you mention.  Thanks for posting it.  I thougt it was something on my end.


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