Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #270

gerry has no photo

by: gerry
October 17th, 2004
Do You Need A Locationīs Coordinates
Most people are happy with the locations provided by Worldtime; however, what if you live over 200 miles from the nearest depicted location, and that location is in a different time zone, so you have to pick the closest one in yours?  Personally, I donīt like it either.  I came across websites that may help to pinpoint your location on a satellite map of the USA (sorry other countries):  

This one provides some help with other countries:  

There are probably others, but these are the ones I know about.  Anyhow, once you locate your dwelling through the direction and zoom tools, the top of the Control Panel provides the decimal geo-cordinates down to six decimal places. I then have to manually enter it into Worldtime using the applicable time zone and DST information....But it is for MY house/work.

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