Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #251

sam has no photo

by: sam
October 12th, 2004
Synchronize Now button doesnīt work
I am running version
I am a Windows XP user.  World Time used to work fine on Windows 98, but I havenīt used the "sync" feature since moving to Windows XP.  Pressing the Synchronize Now button produces no action that I can see.  There is not even a Log file to look at.

gerry has no photo

by: gerry
October 17th, 2004
Re: Synchronize Now button doesnīt work
I have the stable (5.5) and betas (5.9 and 6.0) running on XP and never had a problem with not being able to synchronize.  I even had the 5.5 version running in Win ME, and upgraded to XP Pro. The thought that crosses my mind for you maybe that you are using the M$ firewall and havenīt configured it for the previously installed version; perhaps it wasnīt automatically detected and requires manual intervention (is that possible?--Iīve never used the XP Firewall).  By installing 6.0, the M$ firewall detected the need to allow it to pass through and synchronize.  Iīve been using 3rd party firewalls since 1999-ish, so I disabled the XP firewall from the start.

Did you try uninstalling and reinstalling WT 5.5 after the upgrade to XP?

I still canīt discuss XP SP2 and Worldtime issues as I have not been able to get SP2 to run after installation (unless you call a 4 hour startup running).  And again, SP2 defaults to the M$ firewall.
sam has no photo

by: sam
October 12th, 2004
Re: Synchronize Now button doesnīt work
Thanks, Iīll try that.
Portrait for deando_au

by: deando_au
October 12th, 2004
Re: Synchronize Now button doesnīt work
Yeah Sam. I had a similar problem with WT5. So I changed to WT6. No more time-sync problems now...

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