Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #204

spooker has no photo

by: spooker
August 29th, 2004
no support through this forum.
wow, iīve been on a few forums previously, but this one is in a class all by itself... this one doesnīt support anything.  

Have been viewing this forum since I became a member, (which hasnīt been very long) and canīt say that too many people are being helped.  there are many questions/concerns, but no replies or solutions to their issues.  

Donīt suppose there is any other way to get support for questions that users have other than this forum?

Portrait for grugeon

by: grugeon
October 2nd, 2004
Re: WT on XP SP2
I have Win XP with SP2.  I am running WT and no real problems.

The issues I have are that sometimes, about every three or four weeks, WT freezes and has to be restarted.  I have a batchfile to do this.  The contents are:

taskkill /f /im worldtime.exe
"C:Program FilesPawPrint.netWorldTimeworldtime.exe"

I think this problem is caused by the particular combination of my computer being on all the time and going to sleep sometimes and then getting woken to run virus checks etc.

Also it puts its log in one directory (C:Program FilesPawPrint.netWorldTimedata) and tries to read it from another.(C:Program FilesPawPrint.netWorldTime)

I do not use the log much so I just copy the file to where it wants it to be if I want to do this (about every four months).

Generally I consider this is an excellent utility for my needs.
David Grugeon
gerry has no photo

by: gerry
October 2nd, 2004
Re: no support through this forum.
I have been using just about every iteration of World Time since I can remember.  I have three versions of World time on XP Pro and with the exception of the current beta version (6.0) Iīve had absolutely no problems with any of them (Note: only one will run at a time) In fact Iīve had no real problems with the operation of 6.0 once I read the forum and overcame a few items.

For any 9x, NT, 2K, or XP Windows OS, Iīd recommend downloading the version for beginners. Iīve used WT on Win all 9x, ME, 2K, and XP Pro.  Iīve not tried WT with XP using SP2, as my machine bogs down after installing SP2; I have a glitch in my system somewhere and need to format the hard drive and install XP and SP2 from scratch. If anyone has SP2 and WT running please add to this.  

There may still be a pre-6.0 beta version ( available that Iīve had running on my PCs since it came out in 2003 without any problems.

If you come across a version that resides between and 5.9.0845, or between 5.9.0845 and, Iīd skip them.  They really didnīt offer any more than the three versions.  

IMHO, the still needs some work (such as the application being able to locate the file used to identify clock drift, improve ability to modify locations and time zones, etc., etc., and a few other nuances), and should remain in beta until cleared up for the average user.
Portrait for docbaker

by: docbaker
September 24th, 2004
Which is the stable version?
Hello Gerry. I am new on this site. I have XP and based on some other comments, it seems that version 5 may not be stable as it sounds.  DO you recommend doanloading it?  Thanks.

gerry has no photo

by: gerry
September 14th, 2004
Re: no support through this forum.
It is easy to blast a site because you didnīt get your question answered. However, youīll notice that most of the questions have been answered way back in the past, including how to change clock titles.  

It should be remembered that 5.9 and the subsequent 6.0.xxxx are pre-release versions and are ingrained with bugs and other nusances that will be eventually woked out.  There may or may not be an answer to these problems at this time.  If Iīm not mistaken this is not the authorīs full-time job, so answers, if forthcoming will be slow.  I would suggest that instead of sitting waiting, perhaps trying to fix a simple fix yourself and helping everyone else.

If all else the stable version that has been top dog for eons.  

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