Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #172

gerry has no photo

by: gerry
June 17th, 2004
Alaska is too Short
Alaska has been short-changed!  The most Westerly tip of the Aluetian Islands (Alaska side)was not entered into the map. The island of Attu was where the Japanese actually invaded the U.S. in 1942.  The attached picture shows where Eareckson Air station on Shemya Island should be (52.42-44.19N/174.06-49.03E).  The half dozen islands that make up the Near Islands have a unique distinction:  dependent on how you look at them, they are either the most western tip of the U.S. by way of time zone, or the most easterly by way of coordinates.

Will the accuracy of the map be improved upon in the near future?

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