Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #162

hoover has no photo

by: hoover
June 4th, 2004
Analog Clock and Such
Great Application. This app replaces about 3 other apps I have. I know there are some bugs but its beta, keep up the good work! ;)

On the Analog Clock. There are some great looking 3D analog clocks such as the one on this site Would be really cool to have something like that.

The face or rim of the 3D clock might be able to change color if AM or PM.

The date could go below the analog clock, and allow the digital time to go below the analog clock as well. This would help in determining AM or PM.

Some clock types canīt have an analog face so donīt allow it / grey it out.

Be able to stack the clocks vertically as well, or possibly tiled.

Add a plain old date/time difference calculator. Nowadays I usually hunt for one on the net but not all of them are the same or go down to the second level.

Just a few suggestions. Again, great work!

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