Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #155

randymeushaw@earthli has no photo

by: randymeushaw@earthli
May 29th, 2004
London and DST
Greetings All,
Normally London syncs with GMT i.e.,
London = GMT + 0.
This is the default in Worldtime.
I need to correct my display clock for London to read
the correct DST offset for London currently, which is:
London = GMT + 1.
Any help out there? Thanks

gerry has no photo

by: gerry
May 30th, 2004
Re: London and DST
Keep London (UK for that matter) at UTC 0.  However, there are two London times: GMT and local.  Rather than use UTC, I´ve created a location with no daylight Savings Time and called it Greenwich (GMT, Zulu, UTC--your choice). This is the time that establishes all time zones around the world, and has no DST. I then created a London location with daylight savings time set for Europe (under the WT make sure you use the correct European DST).

So I now have GMT and London, with London currently one hour ahead of GMT due to DST.  Later in the year the two times will be the same.


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