Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #1058

juliakerwin has no photo

by: juliakerwin
January 21st, 2016
VersaVerter Version 4.0.a.5 Problems
I just downloaded this version since changing my computer and it does not work as well as it did on the same OS (Windows 7).

1. Have to download local units every time I open the program.
2. The "favourite" button does not record any preferred units.
3. When changing units, the bottom right unit does not follow and continues to display the previous unit. I have to create a "NaN" like ".." to get it to react to the new values.
4. When changing the values, the bottom right unit does not follow as mentioned in item 3. It continues to display the previous value.

I used to think this was the best converter unit for my use, but it has quick become the frustrating one!


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