Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #906

Portrait for quietstormx

by: quietstormx
November 27th, 2009
WorldTime Stalls on first install???
I just installed worldtime in a new laptop and normally or used too sync and display in less than 5 minutes. Itīs been over 30 minutes and the program is till in the lower toolbar not loaded? I feel like just deleating the program. It should not take so long to load and display time.
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Portrait for quietstormx

by: quietstormx
December 1st, 2009
WorldTime Stalls on first install???
What do you know, it synced!
But later it wonīt load. I hope someone just take program and correct what is going on with it. I miss the use of this program. Canīt locate another like it.
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Portrait for quietstormx

by: quietstormx
November 27th, 2009
WorldTime Stalls on first install???
Portrait for quietstormx

by: quietstormx
November 27th, 2009
WorldTime Stalls on first install???
Well.... I had the program to start when my systen started up. It acted like it was checking sync (?) but thatīs all. Canīt right click to pull up any programs either. The program is just not responding at all. Plus Iīm getting the (Ultimate Virtual Timepiece) Non responsive too! Is someone going to fix this widget?
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Portrait for quietstormx

by: quietstormx
November 27th, 2009
WorldTime Stalls on first install???
World Time Not Responding!

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Portrait for quietstormx

by: quietstormx
November 24th, 2009
WorldTime Stalls on first install???
Just clicked it, this poped up. I clicked "yes" then nothing. Minutes later notice came up from Microsoft. Program stalled! Itīs now 1:30 am EST and nothing. I just want it to work like before! "With no problem thow"
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