Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #86

okyh has no photo

by: okyh
April 1st, 2004
Summer Time in Europe
I have installed WorladTime in UK.
Recent Summer time change, UK time was changed but Paris time can not change and same time with UK.
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alistair has no photo

by: alistair
April 22nd, 2004
Re: Summer Time in Europe
Hey thanks, but I got it wrong on the first post -- just updated it, steps should work now. (Was working from memory the first time!) BTW, great app, I really love it!
alistair has no photo

by: alistair
April 22nd, 2004
Re: Summer Time in Europe
Hey thanks, but I got it wrong on the first post -- just updated it, steps should work now. (Was working from memory the first time!) BTW, great app, I really love it!
Portrait for sbaker

by: sbaker
April 22nd, 2004
Re: Summer Time in Europe
Dude! way to work around my bugs in beta code!

Iīm impressed!

LOL ;)
Fair Winds, and watch for squalls from leeward.
alistair has no photo

by: alistair
April 22nd, 2004
Re: Summer Time in Europe
I had the problem for both Hamburg and London in WT Managed to fix it this way:
1. First, check what time-zone rule the city is using (in the Configure dialog for that city). Note the name/description of the rule.
2. Open the DST Manager.
3. In the first page (WorldTime Rules), you should see the rule that is currently used by the city you want to change. Select it, then click Delete in the toolbar (doesnīt totally delete it, I think, just removes it from the active set).
4. Go to the second page (System Rules), find the rule you should be using, and click on it. Example, for Germany, this is "W. Europe Standard Time".
5. Click back on the first page, WorldTime Rules.
6. On the right, under Rule Details, youīll see a field for the name, then a field for ID. The ID field will probably say "0000000000". They all seem to say this at first. I figure IDs need to be unique, so change this (for example, I changed the last digits. I made one 0000000999, the next 0000000998, etc). I donīt know if the ID must be 10 digits. But I do know that by default, any rule you add has 0000000000 for an ID, and that if you have more than one rule with the same ID, it doesnīt work. Found that out the hard way :-)
7. Click Add. Then close the DST Manager. If prompted to save changes, click yes, but ignore any error messages you see (I always get "Failed to set calendar date or time.")
8. Open the Location Manager. I couldnīt find this in the WT application but found it in my Start menu, under the WT folder.
9. Scroll through the location list, find the city, click on it. Then go to the Daylight Saving Time Rule list (to the right), select the new rule for that city. Then click Update in the toolbar. Then close the Location Manager.
10. Go to the WT app, delete the existing clock thatīs wrong.
11. Close and restart WT.
12. Create a new clock, select the same city, this time it should get the right time zone by default.
BTW, I just confirmed these steps by updating London to the right zone but if it doesnīt work for you, let me know. Altogether, I changed Hamburg (wrong European rule), London (wrong GMT rule), and Australia (East Coast, still using the special rule introduced for the 2000 Olympics and not used since then).
Hope it works for you! Cheers -- Alistair

nike has no photo

by: nike
April 14th, 2004
Re: Summer Time in Europe
Had the same problem in North America, but restarting it worked for me.
jay has no photo

by: jay
April 12th, 2004
Re: Summer Time in Europe
The same issue with summer time appears for Riga/Latvia. After summer time change Riga has time one hour behind than needed. Is there any way how to fix it?
perryargel has no photo

by: perryargel
April 6th, 2004
Re: Summer Time in Europe
Me too, for Paris.
The problem seems to be that the location for Paris is is not using rule 0000000132 - "Used in most of Western Europe" - which seems to be correct.  
Instead, Paris is using 0000000126 - "Other DST for Europe" - which is not correct for Paris.
I donīt know how to fix this, though.
babyboomer has no photo

by: babyboomer
April 5th, 2004
Re: Summer Time in Europe
I have the same problems in Amsterdam no Summertime change

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