Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #786

etow has no photo

by: etow
September 20th, 2007
Error in Clock Data File
Error in Clock Data File
Error in Clock Data: WTClockData-1.0.0: Location  m/d h:nn a/p   Digital True 0
Arial 0 -13 10 0 NNNN! Arial 65280 -13 10 0 NNNN! Hong
Kong  8  -4 22.1666944444444 -114.16669444444  Rule Not

What is this error message?  Can someone tell me what this means?  How can I fix this error?

joetabla has no photo

by: joetabla
December 6th, 2007
Error in Clock Data File (fixed)
I had the same problem...

turns out if the the city does not have the DST rule set (e.g. DST: Rule Not Found), the program inserts garbage characters in the config data file (wtclocks.wtd), and fails on load.  So cities like Honolulu, Bombay (Mubai), Hong Kong, are not properly saved.  the bad characters causes problems.

config-file quick fix: remove the garbage characters in the file, remember to leave a tab inplace (file format is tab delimited, use other entries as a guide).

permanent program fix: launch the location manager (wtlocman.exe) and manually set the DST for those cities.  change the rule dropdown from RuleNotFound to None.  now, worldtime will use that rule and properly save/load the config file for those cities.  

also, i noticed many western European cities (Paris, London, etc.) are set with the ´Other Europe DST rule´ in the location manager, rather than the one that says western europe (which seems like the correct one).  i changed those cities to used the DST for western europe, and then also updated the DST rules to reflect the current laws (using the DST manager).

too bad about glitches --but the fact i can manually correct/update the rules, is awesome.  this is one of the only world clock programs to make that functionality accessible to the user.

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