Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #625

anisalam has no photo

by: anisalam
October 28th, 2006
Installation of World Time
I was running World Time 5 on an XP Pro machine. It was working good. Then just to try WT 6 I uninstall WT 5 and installed WT 6 which always hang on its start up so I tried to unistall it, couldnīt and then remove its directory and all files. Then I used Registry Mechanic to clear any registry entries.
Now I have tried very hard to install again WT 5 and even WT 6 again but the "SETUP.EXE" only creates an INSTALL directory. Any clues please?

ladyb has no photo

by: ladyb
September 17th, 2007
Installation of World Time
Iīve got the same problem.
Got new PC so installed WT6.  Wouldnīt run.  Just kept hanging, so tried to uninstall.  Had to manually delete various files, but setup.exe will not delete.  Tried to install WT5 to same folder and replace setup.exe but canīt.  Says itīs password protected.

When I try to run setup.exe nothing happens.

Please help us!!!
evalp has no photo

by: evalp
September 10th, 2007
Installation of World Time
Does the owner of this program even read and follow these posts.  It does not appear that way given the lack of response.
evalp has no photo

by: evalp
September 6th, 2007
Installation of World Time
I donīt know if my problem is the same as yours, sounds like maybe.

I was running WT6 for sometime and got tired of the program forgeting setting after rebooting so I deleted it and downloaded WT5 and now when I go to run setup.exe, it hangs bad never getting to the point of installing anything.

Can anyone help, I really find this program usfull but now I canīe get it to install and run at all.

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