Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #581

woma has no photo

by: woma
July 17th, 2006
WT hangs while starting up

I just installed the latest version of WT on win XP. It started once right after installation but when I tried to start it a second time it hangs for ever at the splash sreen showing īLoading Clocksī

what can I do to get it running? Looks like something is missing?

lael has no photo

by: lael
August 24th, 2006
WT hangs while starting up

Hi all,

there does seem to be an issue - I got it to work by disabling splash screen in the options. Another issue is that the default alarm sounds are not actually included in the install files - you need to go and change the filename/locations (also in options/preferences). One problem I am having that I canīt find a workaround for is when working with other programs, if an alarm goes off it basically halts the computer until you deal with the alarm dialogue box (which does not pop up on top).

Be sure to disable the splash screen before restart and the program seems to work fine.


kadwilsn has no photo

by: kadwilsn
August 15th, 2006
WT hangs while starting up
Just signed up for WT and canīt use it.  I also have WP.  ANy answers?

skwrhdz has no photo

by: skwrhdz
August 10th, 2006
WT hangs while starting up
Iīve been using WorldTime for YEARS and today Iīm getting the same "hang on startup" problem mentioned by other users.

I too am looking for a solution.

Really going to miss the quarter-hour Westminster chimes! !<grin>!

arthur_skip has no photo

by: arthur_skip
August 6th, 2006
WT hangs while starting up
PawPrint - any advice for the hanging issue?
arthur_skip has no photo

by: arthur_skip
July 27th, 2006
WT hangs while starting up
I think there are incompatibilities between latest MS XP update and WT6.   Any help PawPrint?
jscot099 has no photo

by: jscot099
July 25th, 2006
WT hangs while starting up
Sort of the same for me, been using it for years, does not hang on start up, but seems to go Not Responding when attempting a Synch Attempt. This is even without the firewall going, have also allowed Worldtime programs explicitly to connect in the firewall.  Also having long response time for example when right clicking in the notification tray, then click About Worldtime, may take 30 or 40 seconds to respond.
woma has no photo

by: woma
July 23rd, 2006
WT hangs while starting up
I donīt think it is a filewall issue, since I donīt have one installed localy. SP2 has also not yet installed on the XP system I am using.
Of course, there is a firewall in place somewhere, since I am inside of a company network but this has always been in place and WT used to work with this.
arthur_skip has no photo

by: arthur_skip
July 23rd, 2006
WT hangs while starting up

WT6 is not in the list of programs to add / remove??  also it hang on spash screen with NO NETWORK connection, so cant be firewall

arthur_skip has no photo

by: arthur_skip
July 23rd, 2006
WT hangs while starting up
Thanks Gurgeon,

My firewall is unchanged.  I have been using the WT6 system for years.   It happened right after automatic Windows Updates from Microsoft, that all installed completely as I had  to shutdown.  Any other ideas.
Portrait for grugeon

by: grugeon
July 21st, 2006
WT hangs while starting up

Have you checked that it is not your firewall causing the problem?  Perhaps disable the firewall and try to start WT.  If that works then configure the permissions for the progam in the firewall settings.
David Grugeon
arthur_skip has no photo

by: arthur_skip
July 21st, 2006
WT hangs while starting up
Woma,   Hangs for me as well.  I have been using WT for years and had it loaded and starting everyday like clockwork.  Its hangs for me in splash screen as well - loading clocks.... I have de-installed and reinstalled and make no difference.    I did load the Microsoft automatic XP updates around the same time, so I am sure thats the conflict.   ANYONE solved it?

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