Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #541

bernie has no photo

by: bernie
April 13th, 2006
Time for Paris is Currently Wrong.
Today I happened to get messed up on a phone call since the time showing for Paris, France is not correct.  It is showing me 5:07PM when it is really 6:07PM over there.  Not sure what is causing this unless there was some Summer Time change over there in Europe. I did not notice a problem last year and canīt seem to easily figure it out since the Daylight Savings Time rule seems to be correct and is referencing the right rule.

Anyhow any ideas or updates would be nice.

bernie has no photo

by: bernie
April 14th, 2006
Time for Paris is Currently Wrong.
I see there are some other threads with a related issue.  This is a real puzzle since we have NEVER had this happen before.  What on Earth could make something that has worked for so long break like this?


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