Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #531

wirk has no photo

by: wirk
March 26th, 2006
DST Germany
My PC Date/Time is correct for Germany (DST), but Worldtime
still shows Berlin as 1 hour back. I cannot find a way to correct this. Any Ideas?


blaubaer has no photo

by: blaubaer
May 19th, 2006
DST Germany
Thank you for the fix.  I had a problem with heidelberg and London but have now corrected.
bernie has no photo

by: bernie
April 14th, 2006
DST Germany
Well I posted a similar issue here and did not see this posting.  A few days ago I notice my Paris time was off by one hour from the real time in Paris.  The rules seem correct or more to the point, we have never had any problems like this before.  What on could possible cause a failure like this.  

In any case, the problem must be general and is effecting a range of Daylight Savings Time areas.  

Any updates or what has happened here?

ianworthington has no photo

by: ianworthington
March 28th, 2006
DST Germany
This affects the UK as well.

Do we know what´s broken?  We´ve never had this problem before.  Seems odd to hack the data files: if they´re wrong they need to be corrected at source, surely?

wirk has no photo

by: wirk
March 26th, 2006
DST Germany
Found ans.:

David Grugeon:
Getting DST to work properly
First check that your local clock is set to the right location.  (right click, This clock, Configure)  If that one seems OK then you need to check the DST rules.  

Go into the directory (C:program filespawprint.networldtime) and run dstman.exe

Click the entry 0000000132:Europe and change the rule name to W Europe

Then click update.

Click the entry 0000000126:Europe and change the rule name to E Europe

Then click update.
Then save (Ctrl-s)

Now close this.

Then Open WTLocMan.exe

Then the city you are having problems with.

Make sure the rule is
132: W Europe  If it is not use the drop down arrow to select 0000000132:W Europe

If you have changed it click update

Each time you change a location you click update and then have to reselect United Kingdom and the County and the next city.

When you have done all the Cities you can close the window


Then right click the relevant clock, This clock, Configure  and reselect the location.  It should have the right time and rules.


David Grugeon

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