Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #432

resvon has no photo

by: resvon
May 16th, 2005
Woldtime simply no longer works... at all...

I have no idea what happened, but somewhere along the way, worldtime ceased being a viable product for Windows XP.

5.x never synched anymore.  It couldnīt even exit.  I always had to kill it as it would simply hang.

I upgraded to 6.x.  Now, I canīt do anything without it hanging.  Try to get the latest update?  Hangs.  Try to delete a clock?  Hangs.  Try to right-click and do ANYTHING?  Hangs.

This used to be one of the best programs around; what the heck happened?  Itīs become so frustrating to try and work with, I can hardly call it valuable or useful.

Any recommendations on what can be going wrong?  I canīt be the only one running a stock Windows XP with a personal firewall that is encountering all of these ridiculous, basic issues???


carmantom has no photo

by: carmantom
May 20th, 2005
Duplicated Post
Duplicated Post   Sorry!

carmantom has no photo

by: carmantom
May 19th, 2005
Found a Fix...
I went into XP Windows Update and found out the latest update was the Window Installer 3.1 and removed it.  This required a reboot and Wallah! all was well again.  Yea!!!

carmantom has no photo

by: carmantom
May 19th, 2005
Woldtime simply no longer works... at all...
Same thing happened to me today.  when I awoke my computer at my office as well as home had rebooted.  I wa informed a critical upgrade had been done and my machine had been rebooted.  I am convinced whatever changed things was attributable to this up grade by XP.  Maybe I will try to undo the XP update and see what happens.  I love WorldTime and hope I can get it to work again.

Portrait for deando_au

by: deando_au
May 17th, 2005
Woldtime simply no longer works... at all...
Reply to Resvon; Try re-loading your Win XP system. It sounds to me as though there is someting conflicting with your WT program.

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