Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #426

arj has no photo

by: arj
May 5th, 2005
Stopwatch Sound
The worldtime.conf file has the line "sounds\timer.wav" which is the stopwatch sound, but I noticed the string "sounds\timesup.wav" in the wttimer.exe binary.

If you create a wave file called timesup.wav in the sounds directory, then the stopwatch will play the wave file.

It doesnīt matter if you change "sounds\timer.wav" to "sounds\timesup.wav" in worldtime.conf file.

Windows XP SP2, WorldTime

increase has no photo

by: increase
September 4th, 2006
Stopwatch Sound
Well done arj in reply to previous poster, just make a copy of whatever sound wav you want and rename it to timesup.wav
mr.x has no photo

by: mr.x
April 20th, 2006
Stopwatch Sound
Itīs worse than that, actually.

The only sound it will ever play, no matter what you have set in the preferences or the .conf file is

How would one go about getting this fixed?

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