Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #412

kvichak has no photo

by: kvichak
April 7th, 2005
Command line NTP checks for Windows (2003)

I am trying to monitor my unix based NTP server with a Windows Based monitoring tool (Servers Alive).

I am looking for a command line tool to check my ntp server to determine if the service is operational


bernie has no photo

by: bernie
April 14th, 2006
Command line NTP checks for Windows (2003)
Any feedback on this?  Did the Windows time service provide the level of diagnostics you needed?  Let us helps us improve our ideas.

bernie has no photo

by: bernie
July 13th, 2005
Command line NTP checks for Windows (2003)
You can use the "w32tm" untility in Windows to check the NTP service your machine is using.  

There is a knowledge base article at microsoft with all the details on the command.

The command was changed significantly in Windows/XP and provides some great diagnostics on what is happening.

Hope that helps.


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