Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #406

sammy1 has no photo

by: sammy1
March 31st, 2005
Europe DST
The Europe DST has changed since the last Sunday of March. But the time still hasnīt changed.

How can I change this?

dave.schoonaert has no photo

by: dave.schoonaert
March 27th, 2011
Europe DST
The Grugeon method for WT 6 (see earlier in the thread) works, although if you are a Windows 7 user, this will only work if you explicitly run the the various programs (DST Manager, Location Manager, etc.) as an administrator, even if your user is an administrator for your computer.

To do this right click the shortcut and select Run as Administrator, then click Yes when prompted by Windows.  This will allow you to update individual locations.

Another option is to change the 126 Europe rule so that is matches the 132 rule (starts the last Sunday of March instead of the last Sunday of May).  In a brief  search online, I couldnīt find any European countries that observe DST starting in May so unless one of your clocks is such an exception, this shouldnīt matter.

A 3rd option, if you want to update many locations at once to have the correct DST rule (132), is to manually update the Location data using a text editor.  What worked for me was the following:

1) Backup your location data (file location may vary based on install path but for me this was C:Program FilesPawPrint.netWorldTimeloc-data) just to be safe.
2) Run Location Manager (explicitly as an administrator)
3) Select the File > Export everything option.  This should create a file in the loc-data folder named export.all.txt.
4) Open export.all.txt in a text editor.
5) Replace all " 0000000126 " to " 0000000132 " (without the quotes) and save the file.  The character before and after the number is actually a tab character, not spaces and by including this you will only change the DST value, not other values (e.g. location ID/index for Sao Paulo Brazil).
6) Back in Location Manager select the File > Import everything option.
7) If something doesnīt go right, restore the files you backed up in step 1.
seamusmoran has no photo

by: seamusmoran
April 3rd, 2007
Europe DST
typo "that you" s/b Thank You!
seamusmoran has no photo

by: seamusmoran
April 3rd, 2007
Europe DST - now working great!
Thank you all: after a few missed con-calls, the instructions David Grugeon posted worked perfectly!

WorldTime is excellent, especially as freeware!  Wouldnīt it be nice if, when someone told me to call England at 17:30 Thursday, that I could enter that in my Outlook calendar and have it show up at the right California time?

Anyway, that you both to PawPrint and to Mr. Grugeon!
Portrait for grugeon

by: grugeon
May 14th, 2005
Europe DST
Hi jmuehe

Problem 1 - I suggested using ctrl-s to save the DSTMan changes

Problem 2 - I think this could arise because the DSTMan changes did not stick.


David Grugeon
David Grugeon
jmuehe has no photo

by: jmuehe
May 12th, 2005
Europe DST
Your directions are great but arenīt working for me.
in DSTMan the save option isnīt available when I make a change, only when I add or delete a rule.

In WTLocMan whenever I click Update my changes just go back to what they were

mikewarner has no photo

by: mikewarner
May 2nd, 2005
Europe DST
Thanks for you time anyway David.
Portrait for grugeon

by: grugeon
May 1st, 2005
Europe DST
Sorry Mike,  I do not have the earlier version so, apart from suggesting you update to the latest version I cannot help.

David Grugeon
mikewarner has no photo

by: mikewarner
April 28th, 2005
Europe DST
I have version
john bakas has no photo

by: john bakas
April 27th, 2005
Europe DST
David Grugeon, your advice worked perfectly the first time I tried it -- very well done, your instructions walked me right through process.  Thank you.  As a time nut, having  my cities in Europe show an hour off was a great discomfort.  Now with the Grugeon Fix, all is right all over the world!      
Portrait for grugeon

by: grugeon
April 27th, 2005
Europe DST
Do you have version 6 of World Time?  WTLocMan is part of the package.  I would suggest downloading again and re-installing so you can edit these files.

David Grugeon
mikewarner has no photo

by: mikewarner
April 27th, 2005
Europe DST
I donīt have WTLocMan.exe anywhere on my computer
Portrait for grugeon

by: grugeon
April 11th, 2005
Getting DST to work properly
First check that your local clock is set to the right location.  (right click, This clock, Configure)  If that one seems OK then you need to check the DST rules.  

Go into the directory (C:\program files\\worldtime) and run dstman.exe

Click the entry 0000000132:Europe and change the rule name to W Europe

Then click update.

Click the entry 0000000126:Europe and change the rule name to E Europe

Then click update.
Then save (Ctrl-s)

Now close this.

Then Open WTLocMan.exe

Then the city you are having problems with.

Make sure the rule is
132: W Europe  If it is not use the drop down arrow to select 0000000132:W Europe

If you have changed it click update

Each time you change a location you click update and then have to reselect United Kingdom and the County and the next city.

When you have done all the Cities you can close the window


Then right click the relevant clock, This clock, Configure  and reselect the location.  It should have the right time and rules.

David Grugeon
johnp has no photo

by: johnp
April 11th, 2005
Europe DST
I have the same problem as others with World Time not adjusting for DST.
Has anyone figured out how to correct European DST?
I have tried changing the rules and adjusting the individual clocks to correct European DST.
Nothing I have tried works.
If you were able to fix this problem please let us know.


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