Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #390

chelmite has no photo

by: chelmite
March 23rd, 2005 bug: Location Manager displays DST Rule in incompatible format
Open Location Manager.
Click on Germany/Berlin.
Click Update.
The error message is : ´126: Europ´ is not a valid integer value.

If you use the pull-down menu for DST Rule, it displays
0000000132: Europe (Used in most of Western Europe)

dave.schoonaert has no photo

by: dave.schoonaert
March 27th, 2011 bug: Location Manager displays DST Rule in incompatible format
This is old post from pre-Windows XP/7, but in case others stumble upon it, if you are a Windows 7 user, I found that you get this error/behavior if you are not explicitly running the the various programs (DST Manager, Location Manager, etc.) as an administrator, even if your user is an administrator for your computer.

To run this this as an administrator, right click the shortcut and select Run as Administrator, then click Yes when prompted by Windows.  Doing this should then allow you to update individual locations.

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