Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #350

jetset has no photo

by: jetset
December 22nd, 2004
Is it possible to add a country that is not listed ?
I would like to monitor the time in Bermuda, will it be possible for me to add it myself or will PawPrint need to program it in ?

paulg has no photo

by: paulg
January 29th, 2005
Is it possible to add a country that is not listed ?
If you are using version I believe that the program WTLocMan.exe should allow you to ad a new locaion. It is located in the main World Time directory. The problem is that it does not seem to work correctly. Every time I try to use it it does not save the time offset and lattitude/longitude I entered. The program seems to want to assign arbitrary values. It also does not want to remove bad entries on ocasion. I often get a file not found error.

There does seem to be a work arround. If you input the data the first time and click the ADD button the location data will change to some arbitrary values. Correct the loction data and use the DST list box to select the correct DST rule. Do not use the default DST rule after you click the ADD button. Now click the Update button. You should now have two entries but they should both be correct. Do not delete one of the entries. For some reason both entries have to exist for the clock to have the correct data. Now add the clock using the Clock/Add New Clock menu selection when right clicking over the clock display.

If you are using version 5 I think I recall that a similar work arround is needed but the location manager might have been accessed in a different way.

jetset has no photo

by: jetset
January 28th, 2005
Is it possible to add a country that is not listed ?
Thank you for your help.
I followed your instructions to the "T" and I am unable to type in Bermuda,it does not permit any typing at all.It always wants you to chose from the list of countries that are in the program.
Is there any way to over ride this ? I tried to update my program in case I had an older version which may not let a country to be be manually added.But this was not the case.

Any other suggestions ?
Many Thanks
ron has no photo

by: ron
January 26th, 2005
Add as many as you like...
Here´s a fast how-to for Bermuda.

1 Click last icon at to far right - ´Add a new clock object´

   a. This will add a new location, and pop up the Time Zone Manager

2. Now, replace <New Location> and type Bermuda (replaceing New Location)

3. Type -4 in the box to the right of the location (Bermuda)

3. Add 32 19 07 North to Latitude, and 64 43 44 West to Longitude

4. At loer right, set the Time and Date format you wish, check the box at Display The date below, if you display a day or date..

5  At the Top, click on Add, then Update at the top above location, then click Set Clock (above the Time format.)

You´re done. Go look at the map by clicking on the time below Bermuda to see results.  You should have a marker right over Bermuda (zoom in to check.)

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