Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #329

Portrait for steffo

by: steffo
November 29th, 2004
Cannot sync anymore
From a day to another, I cannot sync anymore: no new programs were downloaded, everything was fine up to 3 days ago. It attempts and it fails everytime, automatic and manual. Any suggestions? Is anyone else having the same trouble right now?

Portrait for steffo

by: steffo
November 30th, 2004
Cannot sync anymore
Thanks for your help, Baldy.
I tried what you suggest but it will work only if the date and time sync box is unticked.
Itīs good enough for me but Iīm wondering why it was syncing up to 4 days ago with no trouble.
I also noticed (this is for a further development of the program) an occasional conflict when I perform my PDAīs HotSync: in order to start that, sometimes I must exit WT6.

Portrait for baldy_aussie

by: baldy_aussie
November 30th, 2004
Cannot sync anymore
I use alternate Time sync, so I donīt know if this might be your problem, but recently (about mid-Nov) my preferred set (8) of Time Servers ALL changed access, and I had to reset my entries for my particular Sync. App.
Maybe the same has happened to you? - Check your NTP settings, and try with some alternates, it might solve your problems.
Portrait for steffo

by: steffo
November 30th, 2004
Cannot sync anymore
Iīve been using WT6 since Oct 20th. I never had a problem till 4 days ago when, with no apparent reason, the sync (automatic and manual) stopped working giving the fail sound. I worked around the problem unticking the box SET DATE AS WELL AS TIME. So now it syncs the time but it wouldnīt work if I want to sync the date as well. Any ideas?
Portrait for deando_au

by: deando_au
November 30th, 2004
Cannot sync anymore
Are you still using WT version 5.*???

If so, switch to WT version 6. This should solve the problem.


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