Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #306

Portrait for steffo

by: steffo
November 4th, 2004
Error: Versaverterīs closing down
Iīve downloaded the new version but I couldnīt manage to use it yet because everytime I open that, it shuts down on me after downloading a missing XML file. What can I do to fix it?

Portrait for baldy_aussie

by: baldy_aussie
November 5th, 2004
Re: Error: Versaverterīs closing down
Gīday again "steffo";
Glad to hear that you have V/V now correctly working.
Just for the heck of it, open "versaverter.conf" in a simple text editor (Notepad is fine, but NOT Wordpad!), and examine the paths listed. You can (as "chari" did), edit these to CORRECTLY point to YOUR PATHS and everything should then be sweet.
However, (I caught myself with this one), if you run V/V from your original unzip location, then copy it all to another location, you MUST delete the "versaverter.conf" file, as it will hold references to THE ORIGINAL LOCATION, which will cause it to FAIL!
In a similar vein, watch out for the UPPERCASE trap where V/V writes to the conf file with:
DataFile C:/PROGRAM FILES/VERSAVERTER/data/ubase.vvd
instead of:
DataFile C:/Program Files/versaverter/data/ubase.vvd
with the expected result of not finding things on some Systems.

Portrait for steffo

by: steffo
November 5th, 2004
Re: Error: Versaverterīs closing down
Hello Baldy, thanks for your reply.
I tried what you suggest but I was getting nowhere.
I uninstalled the Versaverter and download it again: it seems OK now with the updated units file.
My tip to everyone: leave the downloaded archive and the unzipped files where they are and do not rename any of them.
Just create a shortcut and place it where you want to start the program.
I think my troubles were coming from a folder change and a name change (I just added the version number): the Versaverter doesnīt like any of that!
Portrait for baldy_aussie

by: baldy_aussie
November 5th, 2004
Re: Error: Versaverterīs closing down
Gīday steffo, if you have a look at thread:
Youīll find where we chased around quite a bit to address / diagnose this and similar problems.
My temporary solution at this stage is documented there - d/l my setup from the URL in that thread. I hope that it solves your problem.
That .zip has the latest available data, so there is no need to look for an update yet, but keep an eye on the Forum, as I am working on corrections / additions and hope to release a "Verified against ISO, UK, US, AU Standards" version shortly.


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