Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #21

ljbc1 has no photo

by: ljbc1
February 12th, 2004
Versaverter suggestion
Hi - neat tool!
How about altering the display when the number is represented as a power by separating the power portion from the numeric portion with a couple of spaces. Might even change the capital ´E´ to lower case ´e´.

For example: 1.4265478  E23
             1.4265478  e23

This would improve readability immensely.


Portrait for baldy_aussie

by: baldy_aussie
September 26th, 2004
Re: Versaverter suggestion
To paraphrase the SI Rules:

To make numbers easier to read they may be divided into groups of 3 separated by spaces (or half-spaces) but NOT commas.

The SI preferred way of showing a decimal fraction is to use a comma (123,456) to separate the whole number from its fractional part. The practice of using a point, as is common in English-speaking countries, is acceptable providing only that the point is placed ON the line of the bottom edge of the numbers (123.456) and NOT in the middle.

So THAT, it would appear, IS THAT.

BUT, (yep, there´s always one of these!), I personally don´t see anything wrong with displaying a FORMATTED TEXT STRING, but retaining a pure Numeric "behind the scenes" - with a button to "Copy NUMERIC to Clipboard". The User can always copy the TEXT if that is what they want.

ljbc1 has no photo

by: ljbc1
February 14th, 2004
Re: Versaverter suggestion
How about this suggestion to satisfy both requirements to have a valid numeric and also to have a more easily read display of the numbers?

Add another switch on the bottom line (where the "Reverse Conversion" switch is) that would alternate between the proper numeric display and the more readable display.

That should make everyone happy and is easy to use. Seems to me it is better than a global parameter hidden in a configuration panel.

Portrait for sbaker

by: sbaker
February 13th, 2004
Re: Versaverter suggestion
It´s a good point - I´m pretty sure that almost all numeric fields would follow much the same rules.

If I do find a way to do it, I would make it an option rather then a fixed display change as I expect few would want it with the space for precisely that reason.
Fair Winds, and watch for squalls from leeward.
Portrait for grugeon

by: grugeon
February 13th, 2004
Re: Versaverter suggestion
Excel will not recognise an expression in scientific notation with a space.  e.g. 1.41 e2 is considered a string while 1.41e2 is considered to be numeric 141.

I don´t know if this will be an issue for anyone.
David Grugeon
Portrait for sbaker

by: sbaker
February 13th, 2004
Re: Versaverter suggestion
Well, I know I can do the comma that´s easy... I´m not sure if I can do the space but I´ll check if Delphi supports it.

If so, I´ll see what I can do - both should be fairly easy.
Fair Winds, and watch for squalls from leeward.
ljbc1 has no photo

by: ljbc1
February 12th, 2004
Re: Versaverter suggestion
Ok, here´s an additional suggestion:
how about inserting ´,´ separation in long numbers.

For example:   2,345,678,901

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